Baby Food Combinations, recipes for baby foods using Vegetable and Fruit Combinations for Baby Food and Mix Ideas

Creative Baby Food Combinations & Meal Ideas

Making baby food combinations is one of the most fun things about cooking homemade baby foods. At this stage, you are able to combine several foods to make really tasty “recipes” such as apples, pears and sweet potato. Don’t shy away from mixing food that your palate thinks should not be mixed together, your baby’s palate is a clean slate and she won’t know any better.

Please insure that your combos are age appropriate for your baby – while there are suggested age ranges noted, you should determine if they suit your baby’s needs.

Do I still need to follow the “4 day wait rule” when I make baby food combinations?

You can begin making combinations when you have introduced at least one of the foods separately and have checked for food allergies. When you have introduced your baby to a variety of foods and you know that no allergies are present, you are free to begin combining different foods together.

For example, if you have introduced apples and acorn squash, you can combine them and add one new food to the combination.  In this example, should your baby have a reaction, you would know it was the new food added to the “old” foods that may be the culprit.

(See Also Meals for Fingers & It’s Mealtime Baby. links)

Vegetable Baby Food Combination Ideas

Baby Food Combinations For Beginners   

Squashy Sweet Potato

Blend acorn or butternut squash together with sweet potatoes

Squashy Apple Sweet Potato

Blend apples, acorn or butternut squash together with sweet potatoes

Green Beans and Apples or Pears

Blend green beans with apples and/or pears

Baby Food Combinations For Intermediates   

Spicy Squash or Sweet Potatoes

Add some cinnamon and/or nutmeg to baby’s squash or sweet potatoes

Green Beans and Potatoes

Blend white potatoes and green beans together – add a bit of pear or applesauce for extra Yum

Sweet Pea Stew

Mix Peas and Carrots with Applesauce, Rice or Oatmeal and Yogurt.

Carrot Stew

Mix Apples and Carrots with Rice, Oatmeal and Yogurt.

Sweet Potato Pie

Mix sweet potato, yogurt, cereal and a dash of cinnamon, top with powdered Cheerios – mix well

Fruit Baby Food Combination Ideas

(you may cook some of the fruits together or blend already prepared fruits.)

Baby Food Combinations For Beginners  

Apple Cereal

Blend applesauce together with oatmeal or rice cereal
Pumpkin Cereal
Blend pumpkin puree together with oatmeal or rice cereal
Blend Avocado and Bananas for a great meal or add the blend to baby’s cereal.
Apple-Pear Sauce
Blend Apples and Pears (yummy when both are cooked together.)
Pumpkin Bananas
Blend pumpkin puree together with bananas
Pumpkin Bananas Applesauce
Blend pumpkin puree together with bananas and applesauce

Baby Food Combinations For Intermediates   

Creamy Apple Pie

Combine cereal, yogurt and applesauce together adding a dash of cinnamon, top with powdered Cheerios – mix well

Pumpkin Pie

Blend pumpkin puree together with cereal, yogurt and add a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg, top with powdered Cheerios – mix well

Blueberry (Yogurt) Medley

Mix Blueberry, Apple, and Pear Sauce. Add yogurt if appropriate. Sprinkle with Powdered Cheerios (optional) are better for health and the environment.

Meats and Protein Baby Food Combination Ideas   

(8 months and Older unless advised by your pediatrician)

Add rice, noodles, or barley for a “hearty” meal.

Turkey/Chicken/Beef Dinner

  • Blend turkey or chicken or beef with applesauce and squash for a yummy meal.
  • Blend turkey or chicken or beef with sweet potatoes and/or applesauce
  • Blend turkey or chicken or beef with sweet potatoes and carrots
  • Blend turkey or chicken or beef with applesauce and/or carrots
  • Blend turkey or chicken or beef with pumpkin and squash

Tofu Dinner

  • Blend tofu, applesauce and squash together for a yummy meal.
  • Blend tofu, avocado and pears together
  • Blend tofu, blueberries and bananas together


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  Salt and sugar are never needed when making baby food. Omit these items, preferably at ALL times, in your baby’s everyday meals. Other spices such as cinnamon, garlic powder, pepper etc.. may be introduced as early as 7 months with your pediatricians consult.

 Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.

Leave your own thoughts of “what foods go well together & what foods don’t” behind as you step into the kitchen to conjure up a meal for your baby!

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