Baby’s First Halloween! Read some tips and ideas to make Baby’s First Halloween a fun and safe one

Celebrate Baby’s First Halloween with these Halloween Recipe, Costume & Play Ideas for Baby

Baby’s First Halloween is not a “typical” Halloween experience. As with most of the “Baby’s First” holidays, your baby will have absolutely no idea what the fuss is all about and why you are stuffing her into an odd and unusual outfit. Your Baby’s First Halloween can still be fun and festive; one is never too young (or old.) to get dressed up and gaze in wonder at the little costumed children who come knocking on the door.

My babies celebrated their First Halloween (age 10 months) by wearing costumes and “trick-or-treating” throughout the neighborhood.

The babies also spent their First Halloween sitting on the front porch in their little costumes, giving the neighborhood children their Halloween treats. Of course that First Halloween was full of the babies wanting to keep the treats for themselves. We always give out healthy treats and Halloween bubbles and baubles so this was not too much of an issue, until the time to give the stuff away!

Here are a few ideas for Baby’s First Halloween and remember, it’s never too early to involve baby in music, crafts and story books:

Have a Baby’s Halloween Party

(These activities and ideas will be suitable depending on your baby’s age. Please ensure age appropriateness for YOUR baby. Many ideas are good only for older babies & toddlers.)

Invite your baby’s playmates over and have a little costume party. Create Halloween Baby Food Treats –

halloween ideas Decorate pumpkins with self adhesive large foam shapes

halloween ideas Roll out large sheets of paper or use a plain paper table cloth, squirt Orange & Black (washable.) paint on the sheets and let the babies paint pumpkins and bats – Even better if you make pudding paints.

halloween ideas Play Fun Music and Dance, Crawl & Wiggle and Read Halloween Stories

Take LOTS of pictures

halloween ideasParents bring their favorite dessert and/or candy so the Grown-Ups get some Halloween Treats to indulge in too.

The Safety-Conscious Costume – Tips from OneStepAhead

Halloween is your child’s chance to “be” anyone he or she wants-within reason. Here are a few costume guidelines:

ghotDressing up baby? Beware of loose strings and overly-warm costumes. (A festive costume bunting makes a cute, comfy, fuss-proof costume.)

ghotShorten overly-long skirts, capes, tails, and anything else that trails on the ground. Little tricker-or-treaters are encouraged to glide, pounce, and slither…but not trip over their costumes.

ghotMake sure your little goblin is visible after dark. Fix reflective striping to his costume or treat bag, or make sure he’s carrying a flashlight or illuminated light stick. Don’t allow your child to wear adult shoes-it’s a tripping hazard. She’ll still be a regal princess without your high-heels.

ghotBeware of masks that limit visibility. If your child is wearing a mask, see that it fits well, offers adequate ventilation, and provides good visibility.

ghotFace paint is a good alternative for young revelers, but make sure it’s non-toxic, laboratory tested, and meets all federal standards for cosmetics.

ghotSecure hats and scarves so they won’t slip down over your child’s eyes. Kids love props, but if your child is carrying a broomstick or sword, make sure it’s made of cardboard or flexible rubber. Avoid anything with sharp edges.

ghotChoose a costume that’s suitable for the weather.