You have to try this breakfast recipe! This is a quick and easy way to make 12 little meals all at once with little prep and hassle. This is a tasty way to make your breakfast meal perfect for baby too!
I originally saw this on and thought it would be a great recipe for kids of all ages. It has always been important to me to send the kiddos off to school with as large of a breakfast as possible; breakfast is their “fuel meal”. I like to call it a “fuel meal” because this is the meal that is and always has been the one meal that they eat with gusto! I try to include as many food groups as possible – and then some!
This recipe is quite simple but I warn you, a bit messy to make. What I love about it is that there is a baby food opportunity here – see that luscious egg yolk…… Visit the WBF eggs for babies page to learn more about feeding babies eggs!
Cheesy Egg Muffin Recipe for Babies – 8+ months 
Ingredients: Depending on how many you will make, you will need the following
- eggs – 1 per muffin section
- thin sliced turkey – 1 per muffin section
- cheese – 2 per muffin section (I used square slices of sharp cheddar I had sliced for cheese & crackers the night before)
- bread – 1 piece per section
So you will need 12 eggs if you are filling a 12 muffin muffin tin etc.. I only made 6 this go-round as I didn’t want to waste any eggs in the event of a #Fail!
Step 1: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F
Step 2:Cut crusts off of the bread slices
Step 3: Add turkey slices directly in to each muffin section (no paper cups!) and let it spill over the sides
Step 4: Place the bread in each section and press down
Step 5: Place 1 slice of cheese in each section
Step 6: Gently crack an egg in each section then top with another slice of cheese (this will be messy and the egg may run over the top)
Step 7: Fold the meat over to “close”. Bake for 20-30 minutes until the eggs are firm.
You may find that the yolks are soft and if this happens, simply finish the job in the microwave. Be sure to take the egg muffins out of the tin first 🙂 The tin should not go into the microwave!
For babies 8 months and older:
Pop out the yolk and mash – add liquid if you want to thin the yolk a bit.
Separate the whole egg and mash
Break apart and mash, cut-up as needed for older babies who are self-feeding.
Freezes well and reheats nicely in the microwave, toaster oven or in the regular oven.
TIP: Not sure which cheeses are OK for baby? Visit our page on giving baby cheese
Want to save this recipe for later? Be sure to pin it on Pinterest!