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The Goodness of Blueberries for Your Baby
Blueberries have a whole host of amazing nutrients in them and they are often referred to as a “Super Food” for this reason.
Blueberries are high in antioxidants and they also contain fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Blueberries are also thought be cholesterol reducers.
Blueberries are a wonderful healthy food and make a great snack food for babies and adults alike. One of the greatest things about blueberries for snacking is their portability. There is no need to prepare blueberries, just wash ’em and toss ’em in a small bag or snack bowl and off you go.
Nutrients in 1 cup of Raw Blueberries
VITAMINS:Vitamin A – 80 IU
Vitamin C – 14.4 mg Vitamin K – 28.6 mcg Folate (important during pregnancy) – 22 mcg Niacin – .60 mg Lutein – 118 mcg Contains 3.6 grams of fiber too. |
MINERALS:Potassium – 112 mg
Phosphorus – 18 mg Magnesium – .49 mg Calcium – 9 mg Sodium – 1 mg Iron – .41 mg Contains trace amounts of zinc, manganese and copper. |
When can I give Blueberries to my baby?
Around 8 months of age
There is much confusion about when you may feed your infant blueberries. A lot of the confusion stems from the fact that the commercial baby foods use blueberries in their “Stage 2” foods that are targeted to infants between 6-8+ months old. Many believe that blueberries fall under the “no berries until after age 12 months old” rule.
What about Blueberry Allergies – could my baby be allergic to blueberries?
Blueberries are not a common allergen and they are not in the allergenic “berry” family? Blueberries are actually related to cranberries and are in the Heath family. The blueberry shares no “family” relationship with the strawberry or blackberry or raspberry. Blueberries are not related to strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. Those “true” berries may be mild to highly allergenic. By “true berries” I am referring to those berries that pose allergy problems for infants and are in the same family. There are horticultural differences in blueberries/cranberries and in strawberries, raspberries and blackberries as well.
In the book, Managing Food Allergy and Intolerance, blueberries are recommended between 6-9 months old. There are also several other pediatric allergy books that say that blueberries are ok from 6-9 months old as well. Please note that some studies show that blueberries “are, however, rarely allergenic” but “may trigger allergic reactions. Most common symptoms, if any: swelling of the lips and eyelids, itchy swollen rash.” The odds are great that your baby will not have an adverse reaction to blueberries if they are introduced between 8-9 months old. However, the most important thing you can do prior to introducing blueberries is to thoroughly discuss it with your baby’s pediatrician. This is doubly important if your baby has shown any signs of food allergies.
How to Select and Store Blueberries
According to the EWG, blueberries are one of the “dirty dozen” foods that are most highly contaminated with pesticides – purchasing organic is a smart choice.
When selecting blueberries, look for those that are deeply colored and not bruised or overly squishy. To store blueberries, simply toss them into the refrigerator in a bag or a covered bowl. Blueberries will maintain their freshness for up to two weeks (if they last that long and are not eaten up sooner.) in the refrigerator. It is very easy to freeze blueberries as well. There is no need to blanche or coat with sugary syrups, simply toss in a freezer bag, remove all the air and store for up to 3 months. Blueberries do not lose their nutritional value over short periods of storage as the pigment in their skins protects their antioxidants.
Basic, Out of the Ordinary, Tasty Blueberry Baby Food Recipes 
Blueberry Baby Food Recipes – Stewed Blueberry Puree
Is it really necessary to cook and puree blueberries? Many parents opt to not cook and puree blueberries for their little ones and you may puree them raw or even chop up the blueberries and serve them as finger food. You should consider stewing the blueberries if you are introducing them earlier than 7-8 months and also if you have found your baby has any troubles with digesting other foods.
- 1/2 pint of blueberries (fresh or frozen)
- 1/2 c. water
Step 1: Bring water to a boil. Add blueberries and simmer for 15 minutes until soft.
Step 2: Reserve liquid and use a slotted spoon to transfer blueberries to blender/processor/mixer and puree.
Step 3: If needed, add some of the liquid to blueberries.
Step 4: Add cereal (if desired) to thicken up – *You can save the liquid to serve as juice or to blend in with cereals etc.
Blueberry Cereal
Add pureed blueberries to baby’s homemade rice, oatmeal or barley cereal
Blueberry Tofu Mush
- 1/2 cup Blueberry Puree
- 1/2 packet of Firm Tofu
Step 1: Combine all of the above ingredients – Add water if needed
Step 2: Transfer to a blender or food processor. Puree or chop as needed for your baby’s age and texture requirements. This makes a great finger food snack.
Blueberry Cottage Cheese Drizzle
- 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries (washed and picked through for stems and other debris)
- 1 cup of Cottage Cheese (use 2% with small curds)
Step 1: In a glass bowl, warm the blueberries in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
Step 2: Whiz the blueberries in a blender until smooth and juicy.
Step 3: Drizzle the blueberries over cottage cheese and serve.
If needed, mash the curds to a texture/size your baby can tolerate.
This makes a quick and easy finger food full of antioxidants, protein and calcium. You can also offer baby her own bowl and hand her a spoon; this will cling to the spoon and is a good food for self-feeding practice.
Blue Quinoa
- 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries (washed and picked through for stems and other debris)
- 1 cup of cooked quinoa
Prepare quinoa according to package directions (if you have lost the directions, it’s 1 cup quinoa to 2 cups water. Boil water, add quinoa then simmer for 10-20 minutes)
In a glass bowl, warm the blueberries in the microwave for about 30 seconds and then squish blueberries with a fork. Stir the blueberries into the quinoa and add 3 tablespoons of mashed sweet potato. Serve warm. Very colorful and very nutritious.
Foods Good to Mix With Blueberries for your Baby
- Rice, Oatmeal, Barley, Quinoa, Buckwheat and Mixed Grain Homemade Baby Cereals
- Apples
- Bananas
- Pears
- Plums
- Yogurt
Visit our Combinations page to see more Homemade Baby Food Combination Ideas
Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.
Don’t worry about baby eating the seeds in blueberries!
Baby will be able to handle the little seeds found in blueberries. However, baby’s poop may be flecked with seeds and, it may be a little greyish after eating blueberries!
Blueberries do not fall under the “No Berries Until 12 Months Old” rule and may be introduced as early as 7-months of age!