Pumpkin in Baby Food Recipes – When Can Baby Have Pumpkin; Age for Introducing Pumpkin: 6-8 month
What’s Covered:
- When can baby eat pumpkin?
- How do I choose a pumpkin for baby?
- How do I cook pumpkin for baby?
- Pumpkin baby food recipes
Did you know that Pumpkins are actually fruits. Many of us think of pumpkin as a fruit so it’s also included it in the Fruits pages. Of course, there are also many people who think of pumpkin as a veggie. How do you think of pumpkin? A pumpkin is a type of squash and is a member of the gourd family (Cucurbitacae). This family also includes squash, cucumbers, gherkins, and melons.
Pumpkins are jam-packed full of some of the best nutritional compounds around. They are highly loaded with Vitamin A and beta carotene. Beta Carotene is one of the plant carotenoids that when eaten and digested, turns into Vitamin A in the human body. Beta Carotene may reduce the risk of cancer as well as heart disease. It also may be responsible for combating or putting off the degenerative effects of aging.
Pumpkins are also good sources of potassium, protein, and iron. Pumpkin seeds also contain a good amount of protein and iron so eating the seeds does provide some nutritive value. We don’t recommend that you offer your baby or toddler pumpkin seeds however. Pumpkins are wonderfully low in fat, low in calories but high in fiber.
The Nutritional Goodness of Pumpkin
PUMPKIN: (one cup – cooked) |
When can my Baby eat Baby Food Recipes with Pumpkin? 
Babies may begin to eat Pumpkins from 6 months old. You may feed your baby plain pumpkin in pureed form or mixed into homemade cereals, yogurts, and even in meats such as chicken. Adding a dash of cinnamon to pumpkin gives baby a first exposure to the wonder of spices.
You may also bake pumpkin as you would a butternut or acorn squash and serve the baked pumpkin in small dices as Baby Finger Foods. Rub a wee bit of butter and a bit of cinnamon on the inside of the pumpkin prior to baking for a tasty nutritious treat.
Choosing a Pumpkin to cook for Homemade Baby Food Recipes
According to the EWG, pumpkins are not one of the “dirty dozen” foods that are most highly contaminated with pesticides – purchasing organic is a personal choice.
If you will be using Pumpkins in food dishes, look for smaller, immature pumpkins – sometimes these “cooking pumpkins” are labeled as “sugar pumpkins” or “pie pumpkins”. The smaller, sugar/pie pumpkins provide the most flavorful additions to any baked dish or baked good and are great as a soup. These smaller pumpkins are more tender and less stringy than the larger variety. Sugar pumpkins also have firm, sweet flesh compared to their big counterparts. Try to find a pumpkin anywhere between five to eight pounds.
You may use canned pumpkin for baby food. Ensure that you purchase canned pure pumpkin and NOT “Pumpkin Pie” mix. The Pumpkin Pie mix contains sugars, starches and other additives. We do not recommend using canned foods for all of baby’s homemade food. Please visit our Using Canned Foods for Making Homemade Baby Foods.
Is it Safe to Feed my Baby Canned Pumpkin
How do I cook a Pumpkin?
Pumpkins may be poached, boiled, steamed or baked. Please be aware that Pumpkins tend to loose their nutritive value with prolonged cooking. Baking pumpkins for homemade baby food will ensure the most nutrients are retained for your baby. A Pumpkin must be cooked immediately after you have cut it open or you will find a brownish-blackish mold begin to immediately set into the flesh.
Once cooked, Pumpkin should be used and/or chilled immediately. If you will not be using the cooked pumpkin immediately, store it either pureed or in the cooked chunks, in the freezer. it does freeze well. The cooked pumpkin will turn a brownish orange so don’t be alarmed when you peak into the bowl and find that color.
Baking pumpkins, like many other fruits/squashes may be the best choice of cooking for optimal flavor and nutrient retention.
When scooping out the “meat” of many winter squash types, you may encounter some very hard “strings”. These strings are actually the veins of the shell.
Look at the acorn squash or sugar pumpkin and notice it’s ridges. Between these ridges are the “veins” or strings that you may find once you have cut and then baked the squash or pumpkin. Check out the Is your pumpkin or winter squash puree plagued with hard strings? Blog post to see what I mean.
To avoid getting these hard little strings in your puree, scoop the insides out gently and not too closely to the shell. If you have baked your squash or pumpkin enough, these strings or veins will easily fall away from the shell as the meat is separated from it.
Basic Pumpkin Baby Food Recipes:
Pumpkin Puree Baby Food Recipe (6-8 months)
- 1 sugar pumpkin
- water
- cinnamon, nutmeg (optional – sprinkle into the cooking water or when you puree/mash)
Pumpkin is best when baked though you may peel, cube and steam it. Bake a pumpkin exactly as you would bake a winter (Acorn, Butternut etc.) squash. Pumpkin is after all a squash.
Step 1: Halve the pumpkin, de-seed
Step 2: Place halves face down in a baking pan with approx 1-2 inches of water
Step 3: Bake between 375-425 F for approximately 40 minutes to 1 hour
Skin should be “puckery” and/or wrinkled and pumpkin should feel soft when pressed
Step 4: Scrape out the pumpkin “meat” and then mash or puree as needed for your baby.
Apple Pumpkin Puree Baby Food Recipe (6-8 months)
- 1 sugar pumpkin
- 3 Apples, peeled & cored (use Macintosh, Gala, Braeburn or Granny Smith)
- water
- cinnamon, nutmeg (optional – sprinkle into the cooking water or when you puree/mash)
Step 1: Halve the pumpkin, peel and de-seed it then cut into cubes
Step 2: Slice the apples
Step 4: Bring water to a boil and then steam gently until soft and cooked. Be sure to check on the water level!Step 3: Add 3 inches of water to a pot and then insert a steamer basket – add the pumpkin cubes and apples
Let cool a bit then puree or mash as needed for your baby.
Pumpkin is very watery so baking is the best method – you may peel, de-seed and steam chunks of you prefer.
Apple, Pumpkin & Oatmeal Breakfast Baby Food Recipe (6-8 months)
- 1/2 cup applesauce
- 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
- 1 1/2 cup (cooked) oatmeal
- Dash of cinnamon, nutmeg and/or ginger
Step 1: Mix spices, applesauce, pumpkin puree and oatmeal together
Step 2: Stir thoroughly or blend if needed
Pumpkin Baby Food Recipes – Yummy Bananas & Pumpkin (6-8 months)
- 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
- 2 small bananas
Step 1: Mash 2 small bananas and add the pumpkin puree
Step 2: Mix thoroughly, blend if needed for your baby’s texture preferences. Makes a yummy addition to baby’s cereal or yogurt.
Baby’s Pumpkin & Pears (6-8 months)
- ½ cup pumpkin puree (fresh or canned)
- 1 pear, peeled & cored & diced
Step 1: Mash the pear and then mix in the pumpkin – puree if needed.
Pumpkin, Banana & Peaches (6-8 months)
- ½ cup pumpkin puree (fresh or canned)
- 1 pear – peeled and cored and diced
- 1 peach – peeled, pitted and diced
Step 1: Combine all food (steam pear and peach together if need be) and mash or puree if needed.
Savory Pumpkin Puree – A Tasty Pumpkin Baby Food Recipe (8-10 months)
- 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 1/4 cup diced onion
- 1 to 2 cups pumpkin peeled and cut into 1/2-inch cubes (butternut squash may also be used.)
- 2 cups vegetable stock
- pepper, rosemary, basil
- pinch of turbinado sugar if desired
Step 1: Heat the oil in a medium saucepot then add the onion and squash cubes. Saute until the onions are soft and translucent then add the vegetable stock.
Step 2: Bring the mixture to a slow simmer and simmer until the squash is tender enough to puree. Season to taste with pepper, rosemary and basil
Step 3: You may make this a sweet puree by using nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon as the spices instead of the savory spices and herbs.
Step 4: Toss this mixture with cooked brown rice, couscous, lentils or even quinoa for a hearty meal.
Baked Pumpkin Slices (8-10 months)
Step 1: Halve a sugar pumpkin then cut into slices as you would a melon
Step 2: Pat slices with a wee bit of butter (or olive oil if you prefer) then place slices on a greased (olive oil) baking sheet and sprinkle lightly with water
Step 3: Drizzle with pure maple syrup or sprinkle slices with brown sugar (if desired) and then sprinkle cinnamon, nutmeg and a pinch of ginger.
I like to mix these spices together first for an even mix so that no one spice overpowers the other.
Pumpkin Risotto (8-10 months)
- 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 cup finely chopped onion
- 1 tablespoon chopped garlic
- 2 cups arborio rice
- 1 cup apple juice)
- About 6 cups of hot chicken stock or vegetable stock
- 1 sugar pumpkin, one half baked and then pureed; the other half, peeled, cut into small dice, and sauteed in a little oil and butter until tender
- 1/2 cup grated Parmesan
- 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
Step 1: In a medium-size skillet, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat. Add the onion and garlic and saute, until translucent and soft. Add the arborio rice and stir so that the rice is coated in the oil. Cook until translucent, stirring all the while.
Step 2: Add the apple juice and continue stirring and cooking until the juice has been absorbed. Slowly pour in enough chicken stock to cover the rice completely, about 3 cups, and continue to cook, stirring often, until all the liquid is absorbed.
Step 3: Pour in 1 cup more of the remaining stock and stir and cook until it has been absorbed. Repeat with last cup of stock. Add the remaining cup and cook until the rice is soft but but not mushy. Most of the stock will be absorbed at this point.
Step 4: Stir in the pumpkin puree and the diced pumpkin and reduce heat so that risotto and pumpkin mix in and infuse. Do not simmer – stir in the Parmesan and butter then serve.
I think I found this from the food network – it’s printed on now tattered paper and “network” is in the upper left-corner. It’s tattered because of over-use but my notes/tweaks are still legible – I have it down without the need to read.
Creamy Pumpkin Soup (8-10 months)
- 16 ounces Pumpkin (canned or fresh pureed)
- 13.75 ounces Chicken Broth or Homemade Stock
- 1 Large Onion
- 2 Carrots (Wheels or Diced)
- 2 cups half and half or evaporated milk (sub. with yogurt if desired)
- 1/4 cup Sour Cream (optional)
- 1/8 teaspoon Pepper
- 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
- Dash of Nutmeg
- 1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda
- 1/3 teaspoon( or less) Salt
Step 1: In a large pot add, chicken broth, onions, carrot, baking soda, salt and pepper.
Step 2: Simmer uncovered for ten to fifteen minutes until carrots are soft.
Optional: Put vegetable and broth into a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Return to pot.
Step 3: Add pumpkin and half and half or yogurt. Simmer uncovered for 10 minutes.
Step 4: Pour into soup crocks or soup bowls. Top with sour cream (optional)
Autumn Smoothie (8-10 months)
- 1/2 cup plain, vanilla or banana yogurt
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1/4 cup canned pumpkin
- 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
- dash of ginger
- 1 frozen banana
Step 1: Combine everything in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve immediately.
Serves one grown-up and one baby.
The Autumn Spoon (8 months+) – A new twist on the Autumn Smoothie
- 1/2 cup plain, yogurt
- 1/4 cup canned pumpkin
- 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
- dash of ginger
- 1 banana
Step 1: Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Blend or process until a thick consistency is created. Add some wheat germ for even more cling.
Banana Pumpkin Smoothie
- 1-cup milk or plain yogurt
- 2 tablespoons canned pumpkin
- (or homemade puree pumpkin)
- 1 banana
- dash of cinnamon (8+months old)
Step 1: Blend in blender until smooth and foamy.
Serve immediately.
Foods Good to Mix With Pumpkin:
- Apples
- Bananas
- Blueberries
- Peaches
- Carrots
- Butternut or Acorn Squash
- Sweet Potato
- Brown Rice
- Lentils
- Chicken
- Yogurt
Want more yummy pumpkin recipes? Try these pumpkin pancakes for baby or healthy mini pumpkin muffins!
Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.
Pumpkins are high in Beta Carotene – Beta carotene is responsible for “Orange Babies”; if your baby’s nose, cheeks or even the soles of his feet are taking on an orange tinge, chock it up to the beta carotene!
I recently peeled back the label on a can of 100% pure pumpkin (Libby’s brand) and found this very interesting information, posted verbatim: Can I Eat the Pumpkin Without Cooking It?
Libby’s 100% pure pumpkin is thoroughly cooked during the canning process so it is perfectly safe and acceptable to enjoy straight from the can.
Once opened, can I freeze? How to Store? How Long Does Pumpkin Last?
Pumpkin may be stored in a sealed plastic container for 1 week in the refrigerator and up to 3 months in the freezer. When freezing, allow for headspace at the top of the container as the pumpkin may expand when frozen.
Pumpkin may have a separated appearance when thawed due to air bubbles. This will not affect the pumpkin quality or performance.