Thanksgiving Baby Food Recipes for Baby – Easy to Make with the Holiday Menu
These Thanksgiving Baby Food ideas below will help your baby have a wonderful time exploring foods and sharing in the family Thanksgiving Day celebration.
Pull baby’s high chair up to the Thanksgiving dinner table and watch her joy and wonder as she takes part in the Thanksgiving tradition. With some creativity, your baby can have a Thanksgiving dinner similar to what the big kids and adults are eating.
Please ensure that the combinations and foods suggested are age appropriate for your child. These “recipes” have been found at our on the site since we began this website and I look forward to “taking them out” every Thanksgiving.
Baby’s Tasty Thanksgiving Baby Food Recipes & Meal Ideas
One Pot Thanksgiving Dinner – A simple and quick recipe making use of the Thanksgiving foods.
Leave out Meat and Cranberries for babies 6-8 months.
- 1 cup of Turkey – uncooked ( breast or leg meat)
- 1/2 cup peeled and cubed winter squash
- 1/2 cup peeled and cubed white potato
- 1/2 cup peeled and cubed sweet potato
- 1 small handful of fresh or frozen cranberries
Step 1: Combine all ingredients in a medium sized sauce pan
Step 2: Add 2 cups of water
Step 3: Bring to a gentle boil and then turn heat to low
Step 4: Simmer on low for 20 minutes or until turkey is no longer pink and veggies may be easily pierced with a fork.
Step 5: Transfer the cooked One Pot Thanksgiving Dinner to a large mixing bowl and mash or chop as needed.
Step 6: Process in a Blender or Food Processor if needed for babies who do not like lumps and textures.
This will freeze nicely if pureed on Thanksgiving Day, you may also take a piece of cooked turkey and combine it with the veggies being served to create Baby’s Thanksgiving Dinner.
Thanksgiving Baby Food for Babies Under 8 Months Old

Mix ingredients only once your baby has had them separately and you have checked for allergies.
Squishy Squashy Sweet Potatoes
Take a small scoop of that baked acorn or butternut squash and mash in some sweet potatoes.
Orange and White Potatoes
Take a small scoop of (pre-seasoned) white mashed potatoes and blend in some sweet potatoes.
Baby’s Apple Pie
If you will be offering your baby cereal at Thanksgiving, make him a Baby Apple Pie – mix some applesauce together with oatmeal or rice cereal.
Baby’s Sweet Potato Apple Pie
Mix in some sweet potatoes and applesauce with oatmeal or rice cereal.
Pumpkin Pie
Baby Pumpkin Pie is easy, simply blend pumpkin puree together with oatmeal or rice cereal.
Feeding Your Baby Thanksgiving Foods – Is it ok to feed babies Thanksgiving foods?
Is it OK to Offer My Baby Cranberry Sauce or Cranberries?
Cranberries tend to be acidic and as such, are not recommended as a “starter’ food for babies. As cranberries are not related to strawberries or other “berries” such as blackberries or raspberries, they do not follow the “no berries until 12 months old” rule.
You may wish to introduce cranberries between 9 and 12 months old so as to avoid any possible reactions due to the acidity. Reactions may occur in the form of rashes around the mouth or bottom.
Always keep in mind that a bite of a food may not prompt a reaction however a “full” serving may. Read more >> Cranberries for Baby Food
Can My Baby Eat the Pumpkin Pie?
Pumpkin Pie typically contains whole eggs and evaporated milk.
Many pediatricians will say that for the non-allergic baby of 8 months or older, baked goods with whole eggs are fine. The same advice is true for milk products. Milk in a baked good recipe is fine for the non-allergic infant of 8 months or older. (Please remember that milk is NOT appropriate as a replacement for breast milk or formula until a baby has reached the age of 12 months or until your baby’s pediatrician indicates this is appropriate.)
If you would like your baby to have a Thanksgiving treat and wish to serve him a wee bit of pumpkin pie, consider the above and as always, consult with your pediatrician.
Is Gravy OK to Offer my Baby?
My inclination is to not offer babies gravy during Thanksgiving. Homemade Gravy is made of starches and the fatty drippings from the Thanksgiving Turkey pan. Jarred or canned gravy contains a variety of un-pronounceable ingredients that may not be good for your baby.
Keeping this in mind, if you wish to offer your baby a small drizzle of gravy during Thanksgiving Dinner then feel free to do so. If you baby is prone to digestive upsets, we would recommend using a very small amount or none at all. As always, you should consult with your pediatrician about offering your baby foods that may not appropriate for baby’s stage.
Thanksgiving Baby Food for Babies
Spicy Squash
Dish up some of the Thanksgiving squash and add some cinnamon and/or nutmeg to baby’s squash.
Green & White Potatoes
Green beans and mashed potatoes are a staple of many Thanksgiving meals, for your baby, make a blend of white potatoes and green beans.
Baby’s Turkey Dinner
Serve your baby a yummy Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner mélange.
- 1 slice of Turkey
- applesauce
- sweet potato squash
Step 1: Blend all of the above Thanksgiving food together for a yummy meal.
Step 2: If your baby is eating finger foods, simply cut the turkey into small pieces and arrange in baby’s dish with the squash, sweet potato and applesauce.
Tofu Dinner
If you will be offering your baby tofu at the Thanksgiving Dinner table, you can make your baby’s tofu meal fitting and festive too. Blend or dice the tofu into manageable bites and blend with squash or sweet potato for a yummy meal; add some applesauce to extra yum.
You can also arrange the tofu bites in baby’s dish with squash, white potato and another veggie like carrots or green beans.
Sweet Potato Pie
Mix sweet potato, yogurt, cereal and a dash of cinnamon then top with powdered Cheerios or Oatie O’s and mix well.
For additional fun and enjoyment, let your baby do the blending of her own Sweet Potato Pie.
Apple Pie
Combine cereal, yogurt and applesauce together adding a dash of cinnamon, top with powdered Cheerios or Oatie O’s and mix well. For additional fun and enjoyment, let your baby do the blending of her own Apple Pie.
Pumpkin Pie
Combine pumpkin puree together with cereal and yogurt and then add a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg. Top this yummy mix with powdered Cheeriosor Oatie O’s and mix well.
For additional fun and enjoyment, let your baby do the blending of her own Pumpkin Pie.
Thanksgiving Baby Food for Babies
Use all the recipes above only serve as “finger” meals if baby is eating chunky foods.
Arrange dices of turkey, dollops of sweet potato and squash and add some white potato along with green beans.
Offer your baby some “real” apple pie at this age (if you don’t mind the sugar that is.)
Pie Crust Recipes for Holiday Pies
These are 2 of our favorite pie crust recipes. You can prepare the dough ahead of time and then freeze if you wish. You can use these crusts for traditional fruit pies, for making cheesy quiches or even for making meat pies. Babies over the age of 8 months should be able to handle the ingredients in a pie crust.
EASY PEASY PIE CRUST – the trick is in the cutting in of the shortening
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2/3 cup shortening
- 6-7 Tablespoons cold water or 1/3 cup of cold milk
Step 1: Combine flour and salt in mixing bowl. Cut in the shortening until the mixture is very fine. Sprinkle in water, 1 tablespoon at a time, while tossing lightly with fork. Keep mixing until dough holds together. Roll out dough.
- 1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces and chilled
- 2 teaspoons of sugar
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 3 Tablespoons ice water
Step 1: Put the flour, sugar and salt into the bowl of a food processor or stand mixer. Pulse to combine, about 20 seconds.
Step 2: Add butter; pulse until mixture resembles coarse meal. With the motor running, slowly add the ice water and process until dough starts coming together. Remove from processor and pat the dough into a disk. Wrap in plastic wrap and chill at least 1 hour before using
Salt and sugar are never needed when making baby food. Omit these items, preferably at ALL times, in your baby’s meals. Other spices such as cinnamon, garlic powder, pepper etc. may be introduced as early as 7 months with your pediatricians consult.
First Foods Recipes
Cereal Recipes
Fruit Recipes
Veggie Recipes
Meat Recipes
Teething Biscuits
Finger Foods
Meal Ideas
One Bowl Meals
10 Months and Older