Grating Fruits & Veggies for Baby Finger Foods – Use a Grater for Baby Food

Grab your Cheese Grater and Make Baby Finger Foods!

Standing over the counter, cheese grater in hand, I reached for the peeled apple and it suddenly struck me; never have I written about the Cheese Grater as a tool for making baby finger foods!.

I was not making baby food rather, I was grating carrots and apples for a yummy multigrain cereal muffin recipe (visit Hodgson Mills).

The cheese grater is wonderful for grating fruits and veggies for baby finger foods. Peel a nicely ripened apple and then grate it using the small slots. This produces small and thin apple shavings that are easily gummed.

Use the fine slots to grate a peeled carrot and you have itty bitty flakes of carrot that are also very “gum-able”. My babies loved these bits of grated foods. Of course, you can also use the cheese grater to grate cheeses for baby finger foods.

And one more use for the cheese grater, grate soft cooked meats like chicken and beef.

Ensure that your grated finger foods are age and texture appropriate for your baby.

More on Self-Feeding and Homemade Baby Food Recipes:

Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.