An Introduction to Homemade Baby Food

A Quick Introduction to Homemade Baby Food

As you browse through this homemade baby food recipes website, one thing you may notice is that we seldom include precise ingredient measurements.

When following homemade baby food recipes, there really is no great need for a ½ cup of this or a ¼ cup of that.

Homemade Baby Food Recipes are simple to create and you don’t have to be a chef to make homemade baby food.

Unlike recipes for “adult” foods and meals, making homemade baby food is simple and uncomplicated. Cook the food and mash the food into baby food; yep, that’s it.

Are you looking to make an apple(sauce) purée? Take one apple, peel and core it, chop into dices and steam in a scant amount of water, in a pot on the stove, until tender then mash into a texture appropriate for your infant. If you need to create a more thin apple(sauce) puree, simply add more liquid and blend.

Maybe you want to make a nice banana purée for your baby; peel a ripe banana, slice into small pieces, transfer the pieces to a bowl and then grab a fork and mash the banana. You may be thinking, “It’s not that easy is it?” Actually, it is that easy and there is no need to make it complicated by adding precise measurements.

Another reason that we seldom use precise measurements, is that one parent may be able to squeeze 10 servings out of one baked sweet potato while another parent may only be able to yield 6 servings.

Making homemade baby food is highly individualized and for many items like fruits and vegetables, wash-peel-cook-mash is the only instruction that is ever needed.

In fact, now that you have read this, you probably don’t even need to read our recipes to make “single” fruit and vegetable baby food purées.


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stop3 Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.

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